Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Homemade (Not-quite-but-as-close-as-you're-gonna-get-while-I-feel-this-miserable) Chicken noodle soup!

I wanted chicken noodle soup but I am really feeling miserable, so I did what I do best in the kitchen ... I cheated *grin*.

I cooked a whole chicken yesterday so I had the chicken & liquid parts covered, (I added a box of chicken broth to make it go further).

cooked chicken 
low sodium chicken stock or plain water 
1-2 carrot (I grated mine because it cooks faster)
1-2 potato, diced
1/2 cup corn
1 pkg Lipton Chicken Vegetable soup mix
1 small diced onion 

Throw everything into a pot, bring to a boil and simmer until the potatoes are cooked. Let it cool down just a little so you don't burn your mouth and enjoy!

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