Sunday, February 9, 2014

Extra Special Valentines ...

Instead of giving the kids chocolate or candy that they probably don't like and won't eat, we decided to do something different this year ... 

For the kids we give valentines too, we bought a can of cat food to donate to the SPCA

Valentine's for the kids telling them about the cat food

Every can helps!

The boys signing the valentines
Here's the valentine that I made to give to the kids, if anyone else would like to do the same. Just right-click and save it onto your computer :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Homemade (Not-quite-but-as-close-as-you're-gonna-get-while-I-feel-this-miserable) Chicken noodle soup!

I wanted chicken noodle soup but I am really feeling miserable, so I did what I do best in the kitchen ... I cheated *grin*.

I cooked a whole chicken yesterday so I had the chicken & liquid parts covered, (I added a box of chicken broth to make it go further).

cooked chicken 
low sodium chicken stock or plain water 
1-2 carrot (I grated mine because it cooks faster)
1-2 potato, diced
1/2 cup corn
1 pkg Lipton Chicken Vegetable soup mix
1 small diced onion 

Throw everything into a pot, bring to a boil and simmer until the potatoes are cooked. Let it cool down just a little so you don't burn your mouth and enjoy!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Recycled Christmas cards ...

Every year, we get alot of cards and every year I try to find a excuse to keep them all. 

I saw something on Pinterest where the person had used library card pockets stuck to a box to hold a list of what was inside. 
So I thought to myself "Yep, I am so doing that because every time I go down to find something in the basement, I have to haul out box after box to find it."

So back to the cards ...

Today I was packing away another box of Christmas stuff (Yes, I know it is February and it should have been put away weeks ago), I reluctantly decided that I wouldn't be able to recycle the Christmas cards and was about to throw them away when a light bulb went off ... 

Using two-sided tape, I turned the old cards into the pockets I wanted to put on the side of the boxes. I cut strips of white card stock to write the list on.