Monday, January 27, 2014


I decided to try my hand at knitting again. I forgot I had that much patience, lol. 

I started with something simple ... a blanket for my niece's baby doll ...


I bought this gorgeous multicolor purple wool to knit the blanket with but it turned out to be the sashay wool that you make the frilly scarfs with. So I ended up knitting two scarfs, one for my niece and one for her baby doll. I got the pattern here. They were fairly easy but I don't think I will be doing any more. 

I love butterflies! So I found a butterfly pattern dishcloth to try here ... I some how ended up with two extra stitches in the first dozen or so rows but I had already unraveled it 3 times so I just drop a couple stitches and kept going. You can't see the pattern very well with the multicolored wool though :(.

Found another butterfly pattern here. Much happier with my results. (Just don't look up in the corner where I dropped the very last stitch as I was casting off)
The last dish cloth that I completed, I found here. Really like this one ... 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

A Tiny Caterpillar

This is the scrapbook that I made for my niece, Bekka. 

A tiny back story ...
In June 2012, Bekka had a brain bleed, we didn't know what would happen, so I took comfort in butterflies (that summer they were everywhere). Butterflies became a sign of hope that Bekka would be ok & Butterflies For Bekka went viral thanks to cousin Candi

A couple of weeks ago, I was showing Bekka the scrapbook of our elves visit and it gave me an idea ... 
I made a "book" about our most precious butterfly, Bekka. You can't tell from the scans but every page as something on the outside of the plastic that can be touched and felt.

*I am a beginner scrapbooker, and I know that this might seem simple and plain to some but I thought I would share it anyways ...